Sunday, January 6, 2008


Yesterday evening I spent four hours laying on the couch balled up in pain timing my contractions. They were stronger and more painful than any Braxton-Hicks contractions I'd ever had before.

We were out running errands during the day (including getting a new washer and dryer, picking paint colors for the kitchen, etc.) and as we walked into Lowe's a contraction hit that stole my breath and made me stop in my tracks in the middle of the parking lot. It hurt so badly I couldn't talk or walk or move. By about five o'clock, I'd had about another 2-3 per hour so I called the midwives office.

She suggested that I lay on my left side for an hour and drink a few glasses of water. At some point, I nodded off and Patrick finally woke me to go to sleep around 11.

As much as I dislike being pregnant at times, as a practical matter it's simply not time for him to be here yet. I'm just now starting my 25th week.


Scoutj said...

Oh no April! I'm hoping things are okay right now?

Anonymous said...

Do you feel better now? Hang in there, babe.

Anonymous said...

I hope you're ok sweetie.

Mrs. Grumpy said...

Hope you are OK...