Friday, December 28, 2007

Measuring large

I just got back from the midwives office (driving in blinding snow, no less). The wee babe is measuring large, topping the 90th percentile for his head size. My uterus is measuring 24 weeks, and according to the original due date of May 5th that's way too big. However, last Thursday during the ultrasound they moved my due date up to either April 27th or April 29th. 

So, according to those dates I think that makes me 23 weeks along.  I have no idea. Math is hard, Barbie! 

He had the hiccups this morning, at least I think that's what was going on. The movement was very rhythmic and lasted about five minutes before it stopped. 

We spent the holiday weekend at Patrick's parents' ranch in a teensy little town of about three hundred people about an hour outside of Dallas. This is a picture he took of me with Geoffrey, one of his parents' four donkeys. 


My mom lives in between Dallas and Ft. Worth and my dad and stepmom live about 45 minutes south of Ft. Worth, so we did a lot of driving around. A lot. It's odd, I haven't lived in Texas since 2000, Patrick hasn't since I think 1995. Part of it feels like "home" still, but a lot of it is amazingly foreign to us both. 

Our families were all delighted about our surprise wedding. We're heading back to DFW in a month for our baby shower. We had a wonderful Christmas together, I got a new laptop (which I desperately needed) and a few other things from him. So I suppose I'm technically a mac convert now. It's taking some getting used to - but I like it. 

We're both coming down with a cold/the flu or something, so I'm sorry this is so utterly boring. 


Helen said...

In between Dallas and Fort Worth? Do tell - Arlington? (It's all my old stomping ground, as you know, so my Texas-ness lives vicariously through you.)

A said...

I was born in Arlington (Arlington Memorial actually) and went to elementary school there. In 6th grade, my mom and I moved to the north side of Grand Prairie - so I stayed there until I was 16 and started college at UNT. My entire family lives in the Mansfield/Arlington/Grand Prairie area. We actually ended up eating at an El Chico when we were there, which made me think of you. The food isn't nearly as tasty as it used to be.

My dad and stepmom live in Joshua, and Patricks' parents live in Poetry.

On Jan. 9th - we've got front row (pretty close to center ice) tickets to the Stars/Blackhawks game. ;)